cadillacs for microphones: chamber music campania

I am STILL buzzing with excitement about Homer Bailey's no-hitter against the Giants on Tuesday night. It actually happened! Nothing jinxed it! Like, during the game, you never want to call a no-hitter because you feel you may curse it, and you always worry about silly things ruining said potential no-hitter (like the replay of Marty Brennaman's calling Homer Bailey's other no-hitter from last year against the Pirates during the freaking seventh inning) until you're witnessing the top of the ninth inning and you realize that OH MY GOODNESS THE NO-HITTER MAY HAPPEN.
And then it does and it's so flipping incredible because statistically you're never going to see one live again. And then you hang out with your friends afterward and keep gushing about that incredible sports moment and you're still wearing that same Reds t-shirt for the next few days because of that game.
Well, okay, you're not wearing all the time, I mean, I'm totally going to wash it sometime this week. Really. It's going to happen.
So, anyway, Italy.
I was in Campania (outside of Salerno) in mid-June as one of the composers-in-residence at a new chamber music festival founded by my friends Regina Compton and Melanie Lahti. Chamber Music Campania is a cross-disciplinary summer music festival in southern Italy. A resident wind quintet lived there during the whole three-week festival curating concerts, rehearsing, and performing in different unconventional venues, which I thought was pretty cool. As the resident composer, a subset of the wind quintet played a wind trio of mine the week I was there. Here's a scrapbook.

This is the bed and breakfast the resident quintet and I stayed in.

Seriously, this was the back of the property.

The door to C'era Una Volta (the place of residence)

This is a volcano pizza (that's what we were told). We actually visited this pizzeria twice.

We went to the main part of Campania. Pretty.

Here's a poster advertising the concert on Friday in Campania. Posters written in Italian make the concerts that much more exciting. It's true.

Oh yeah, and the quintet performed there too.
What I most liked about the festival were the planned (and sometimes spontaneous) conversations we had about current musical performances and the contemporary issues the modern musician faces. Like, how do we attract more audiences to come to concerts? How do we make them fell more at ease? A list of their discussions can be found here (and I'm sad I missed the discussion about current collegiate music curriculum).
Anyway, I hope to post video soon of the performances.