Cincinnati Piano Installation (with photos)
The other day my friend Nathan randomly encountered a lonely upright piano with the inscription "Play Me, I'm Yours," and conveniently took a picture using his cell phone.
"Wow, UC," he stated on this posted photo, "you're pretty random, too." (The first random Cincinnati photo was a picture of a gigantic florescent pink, yellow, and purple stuffed bird on the corner of some neighborhood street, just in case you're wondering.)
What was this, exactly? How random is this? And then I casually listened to the local NPR station online yesterday and discovered that "Play Me, I'm Yours" is the title of a (celebratory) interactive piano art installation:
"Cincinnati Public Radio is hosting 'Play Me, I'm Yours' as a celebration of a combined 150 years of broadcasting by WVXU, WGUC and WMUB. Each station is marking an important anniversary milestone this year. For WVXU, it's 40 years. WGUC, 50 and WMUB, 60."
More links:
Cincinnati joining other global cities with interactive public piano exhibit
WATCH ME: UC Joins 'Play Me, I’m Yours' International Arts Celebration
CCM Prep Helps Celebrate “Play Me, I’m Yours: Greater Cincinnati”
And photos of the opening ceremonies at Fountain Square, like I promised.
Okay, I got a little distracted.
Piano at Fountain Square
A girl playing the piano
Same girl. She brought music.
So did this guy.
So, I'm going to visit all the pianos in Cincinnati and play something different on each piano. I need to hurry up and do this because (1) the exhibit lasts until August 27, with some exceptions and (2) how long is that copper wiring going to last before someone steals it? It is Cincinnati, after all.