Cincinnati Symphony Plays New *American* Music

Tonight and tomorrow night the CSO will perform a couple of new *American* works in order of newness: a world premiere of an orchestra piece by Jeffrey Mumford (very new, very American, and even local - I think he taught at Oberlin), Jennifer Higdon's Percussion Concerto with Colin Curie (quite new, very American), and Beethoven's 5th Symphony. (Not new, not American, but gosh, it's the promotional title of the concert! With a title like this, who would know that we have new American works on this concert?)
Anyway, for lack of Paavo's Notes (Paavo will not be conducting - James Gaffigan will be), I've assembled some pre-concert reading/listening for you.
Cincinnati Enquirer's coverage of tonight's concert
Podcast of Jennifer Higdon's Percussion Concerto by Stuart Malina (If you have kids or want to use this podcast for educational purposes, start at the beginning. Otherwise, start roughly a third into the podcast.)
And, a video of Beethoven's 5th (first movement)