IWBC 2012

For this road trip I'm attending the 2012 International Women's Brass Conference: Genevieve Clarkson is performing the tuba version of "The Electronic Buzz of Vending Machines" again, this time as part of her recital "featuring the music of up-and-coming female composers."
Hooray! When I was poking around the IWBC website, a couple of links caught my eye. One of the side headings is "Why IWBC 2012?"
"Think about your local university or conservatory: how many female brass players are music majors? Now think about the brass sections of major symphony orchestras. How many women are performing in these roles? Here are recent statistics (these statistics were collected by Amy Louise Phelps, DMA student at the University of Iowa, and compiled by Lin Foulk)."
This reminded me about the blog post I wrote where I unofficially realized not very women composers were applying for academic jobs.
The second link was this headline: ITF Paris 2012: Why Are No Women Invited as Soloists or Composers?
"42 men have been invited as soloists to this years International Trombone Festival and 0 women. And all 7 composers are also men. Total: 49 to 0!"
It gets better, right?