travel dates

Get this: I actually have some travel dates lined a composer!
This Thursday (tomorrow!) I leave for Austin, TX for the Gamma-UT Conference at the University of Texas, Austin. There my piece "Flight 710 to Cabo San Lucas" will be performed on Saturday, March 26 at 7:30 PM (CDT).
(I am sadly missing eighth blackbird in concert this week! They have a performance tonight in Austin, and they leave the next morning when I arrive. This is a total bummer...)
I will return for a few days (to start my last quarter of classes), then on April 1 I leave for the Green Mountain State.
On Friday, April 1, the Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble will perform my piece "Flight 710 to Cabo San Lucas" at the Unitarian Church in Montpelier, 8 PM (EDT). They will perform this piece again on Sunday, April 3 in Burlington at the FlynnSpace in Burlington, 8 PM (EDT).
(Are you starting to see a pattern here? I'm calling this the "Flight 710 WORLD TOUR.")
I will then be driving up north to the land of moose and Mounties to attend the 4th Contemporary Revolution concert in Ottawa, Ontario for a performance of "Sounds of the Gray Goo 2.0" (on Monday, April 4 at 8 PM) played by the most fantastic Rebecca Danard. (Yes. Canada. It had better stop snowing.)
I'm back in the states for a performance at Middlebury College (courtesy of VCME again) of "Flight 710 to Cabo San Lucas," 3 PM.
So, there you have it. I'll return on April 11, and then be in town just in time for my recital on April 14. Oh man...